【CASS Shared Practices Taken During COVID19 In Webinar On 2021 CHSP Wellness and Reablement Best practice – 30 April 2021】
CASS is honoured to be invited by South Western Sydney and Inner West Sector Support and Development as one of the speakers of “2021 Wellness and Reablement Best Practice Webinar” on 29 April, to share the best practice of Wellness and Reablement strategies implemented during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Winnie Huang, Executive Support Officer of CHSP & Support Services of CASS Care, and Sonia Rennie, Team Leader of CASS Care Multicultural Team, introduced the CASS Care COVID Safe Program for CHSP customers in four different dimensions, including the well-being of physical and psychological needs, strength-based approach, time-limited support and client engagement and empowerment. Winnie highlighted the ZOOM activities for Chinese clients and shared the programs we organized for supporting our frail seniors during the Pandemic. Sonia also introduced the video clips made by our staff members for Korean clients at YouTube to keep them connected. These activities received numerous positive feedbacks from participants and deeply impressed our stakeholders.
The webinar was held successfully as participants were given an opportunity to share their own practices and learned from each other. Both Mr. Glen Sorensen, Managing Director of Age Communication Pty Ltd, who chaired the event and Ms. Marina Antonas from Inner West Sector Support Development, appreciated CASS’s participation and experiences sharing in the Webinar. Our dedication of providing quality and innovative services for the community is highly recognized as well.
If you are interested to know more our Home Ageing Services, please visit https://casscare.org.au/services/home-ageing/ or call (02) 9789 4587.