CASS H-Line Non-Crisis Hotline ☎ (02) 9063 8888 – the ONLY Chinese Non-crisis Hotline in NSW

It is ok not to be okay.
In any year in Australia, around one in five people aged 16-85 will experience a mental health disorder. The pandemic has further deepened this crisis.
The Australian government has progressively been responding to the mental health needs of Australians. But sadly, many people in the CALD community find it difficult to talk openly about their mental health. Language barrier and cultural concern may keep them from seeking help to manage their mental illness.
As a dedicated community organization, CASS Care takes up the initiative to respond to the needs of mental health services for people of the CALD community by the establishment of H-Line Non-Crisis Hotline with its own limited resources.

The hotline provides an opportunity for people in the Chinese community to seek support, which is tailored to meet their language and cultural needs and lower their overall stress and anxiety. In addition, H-Line will also serve as an information hub, helping people to address their mental health issues at an early stage and providing referral information for people to seek professional assistance.
Every call is confidential, and you can be totally anonymous, if you’d like. You can share as much or as little as you’d like about your experience. It is a safe space to share, without having to pay a thing.
If you or your loved ones are experiencing any emotional distress, the first thing to do is to recognize the issue and start to get help.

You will be on the path to be