
RACF Asquith

RACF Asquith

Our new Residential Aged Care Facility is located at Asquith.

The proposed site address is :

“461 – 473 Pacific Highway , Asquith , NSW 2077”.


This new RACF is located in a favourable residential area with shopping centres, transportation facilities and other social venues nearby. It will serve the frail aged people providing culturally and linguistically appropriate care and services, including meals and activities arrangements, enabling the seniors to age gracefully and happily.


1) Enquiry

  • Please call CASS on (02) 9789 4587 (extension 1123)
  • Email to [email protected]
  • Or visit our website at to find out more about supporting the project.

2) Others

You may also write to : CASS Asquith RACF Project, 44-50 Sixth Avenue, Campise, NSW 2194